Thursday, February 27, 2014

The Birth of Marcus

The Birth of Marcus
12:38 am
7 pounds, 13 ounces
19 and ¾ inches long

I had been starting to wonder if I was going to head into 40, 41, or 42 weeks. Monday, February 10th I was 39 weeks along. For some reason, I felt like Marcus would come that week, early, maybe the 11-13th but wasn’t sure. My first guess dates of the 7-9th had passed. During the day Monday, I felt tired but had a pressing urge to clean the bathrooms, kitchen, and start some laundry. I had been cleaning and nesting nonstop since I found out I was pregnant (knowing how hard it would be to clean with two kids), but this was different. It wasn’t a “wanting” to clean, it was more of a “needing” to clean urge: THE nesting urge. I had a little bit for lunch and later around 1:30pm got hungry and had two hot dogs. The last bite of the second hot dog, I got very nauseous which I thought was strange. Keith and I headed out to Target for a few things, but I found myself grabbing other things “just in case” it was our last trip to Target for a while. As we were heading to check out, I noticed a fairly intense and noticeable contraction. It wasn’t just tightening, there was cramping with it. I kept having these from about 2:00pm on, but they were random and no pattern until about dinner time.

A little bit before 7pm Monday night, I got a noticeably different, tight, and crampy contraction. Something told me internally to go take a shower just in case Marcus was on his way. I even noticed he was even lower in my stomach while I was showering. There was a larger gap between his bottom and my ribs. (Plus a lot of lower pelvic pressure.) When I turned the shower off, I felt a slight pressure and then a little gush: I looked down and saw the bloody show. Michaela happened to come in, so I told her to call Keith in. When he came in, I said, “we may be having a baby tonight!”

We began timing contractions to see if they increased in intensity and frequency. From about 7-9pm they were mostly 6 minutes apart. (Some 6-9 minutes). I kept having lower backaches, cramps, cervical twinges, and noticed they were tighter and making me say, “ow!” I spent a lot of time leaning over and rocking on the kitchen counter and bouncing on the birth ball. The contractions were lasting between a minute and a minute and a half. Since they were having a pattern and were beginning to become intense, Keith went into school to prepare for a substitute around 8:30 and came home at 9:30.

Come 9:00, the contractions dropped down to 4-6 minutes and continued to increase in intensity. 10:00 there was a little more bleeding and the plug came out. Around 10:15, when we were all getting ready for bed, the contractions dropped again to 3-5 minutes apart lasting 60-90 seconds. They were really painful and I was lying in bed breathing deeply through them. A few times I told Keith I didn’t want to go through it again, knowing what the pain would be like. My biggest fear was the crowning “ring of fire” but I knew I could do it again and couldn’t let the fear get to me.

I had to have Keith start writing down the times around 10:30 because it was too much for me. I had debated on calling the birth team because I wasn’t sure if this was it but also didn’t want them to miss the birth knowing second births go fast, there were patterns, and it was definitely increasing. At 11:00, I called Paula, the midwife and told her to come down. I also called the assistant midwife, Laura,  doula, Kate, and photographer, Seana. They all packed up and headed out! (Had I called any later they would’ve missed the birth! I knew I should call bur hesitated because three times in the week or two before I had 4-7 hours of patterned contractions that stopped, so I was a little hesitant to make a false call.)  Keith began filling up the tub and I couldn’t wait to get in! As soon as it was almost to the “max fill line” I got ready to get in. It was a bit hot, so we ran some cold water in it until it got to a good temperature and I got in. I had to get on all fours during a contraction outside the tub while I waited for it to cool. But, once I was able to hop in, it was instant relief and was so comfortable!

The contractions kept coming, about 2-4 minutes apart and very intense. I was rocking in the tub through them. I was doing long slow breaths and if I began to breathe too fast or higher, I’d catch myself, breathe and slow them down which helped. The doula, Kate, arrived first around 11:30/11:45. However, at 11:57 I got the first urge to push. I had Keith call Paula and text the photographer to see where they were.  Paula was on our street, and the photographer was close! I remember feeling a moment of panic that they would miss the birth because I was getting strong urges to push. They were coming fast and almost back to back (unlike Michaela’s birth where I had longer breaks between both contractions and the pushing urge in the tub.) When the pushing urges came, I knew Marcus was going to be here soon and I got very excited to meet my boy soon! I was a bit nervous about pooping in the tub (and I never did!) but once I let go of that “fear” of doing that, accepting the pushing urges helped them come faster and helped me relax more, too. I also found I was focusing on my breathing. I was doing deep breathing and if I got too high pitched or too fast, I had to stop myself and do long deep breaths. Around 12, Paula came, and the photographer came around 12:20. I was so relieved they got there in time! This labor, I had less back labor than with Michaela. Although, the last few pushes I had some intense back pain probably as Marcus was coming under the pubic bone near my tailbone.

Keith woke Michaela up around 12:30 and she did well waking up, ready to see her brother be born. She and Keith sat by the tub, and I kept talking to her in-between contractions. She was doing so great! I was surprised I got the pushing urge so fast and that they were right after the other. Like with Michaela’s birth, I went with the flow of pushing. I let my body do the work and tell me what to do. I knew the pain I was going to go through, and told myself to accept it and focus on the end result and what I wanted and needed to do. I reached up and felt his head pretty close. I was so ready to meet my little boy! 

 I remembered Ina May Gaskin saying how similar to going to the bathroom, during crowning, if it is burning or hurting, we may need to take a deep breath, relax, loosen that area, and then try again when it’s ready. Despite the pain, it was amazing feeling him progress down the birth canal. It was nice having encouraging words from Keith and the birth team. “You’re doing so great!” “He’s almost here!” A few more pushes and he was crowning. The pushing urge stopped mid-crowning, and I knew the next push he would be out. I was still leaning over the side of the tub with my arms draped out, too uncomfortable to move, but wanted so badly to catch my boy and knew it was time. I leaned back on my knees, sat up, and got ready to catch him. While waiting for the next pushing urge, I felt his head and his hair. The first time touching him! 12:48am: The next pushing urge came and out came his head. I then felt his arms moving, one arm came out and then the other. He slowly came out, and I was able to catch him and slowly pull him out and up on to my chest. I said, “hi” and “you’re so cute”. Michaela had said, “baby so happy!” I sat back and looking at Marcus, instantly fell in love. He was so cute! 

While holding Marcus in the tub, Keith and I felt his cord and felt it pulsing. It was so neat! The water had cooled off so Marcus was getting a bit cold so we moved into our bed to get comfortable, bond, and do the newborn checks. I birthed the placenta, which took some time. I had to re-figure out the right way to push and once I did it came out. It was very healthy looking! We delayed clamping the cord, and Keith cut the cord! Paula did the checks. I had a mild tear but nothing bad. No stitches! Then we did the newborn check. Marcus checked out well! Marcus was born at 12:48am, weighed 7 pounds 13 ounces and measured 19 ¾ inches long. He was a very happy, healthy boy! It was funny comparing the stats of Michaela to Marcus.  Michaela was born 39 weeks, 2 days. Marcus was born 39 weeks, 1 day. Michaela was 6 pounds, 14 ounces. Marcus was 7 pounds, 13 ounces. Michaela was born 10/04/2011 and Marcus was born 02/11/2014.

Everything else looked great, too. He had a tongue tie but nothing concerning, just to keep an eye on it for breastfeeding.  Then we all had family bonding time. I remember at one point the midwives were emptying the birth tub and deflating it and I got a bit sad the birth was over. I was so excited about the tub and it was a key piece in the home water birth, it was a sad moment. Sometimes walking by Marcus’ room and seeing the tub is gone is sad but I remember how well the birth went and how it went to plan and as I envisioned, like Michaela’s birth.

We couldn’t be happier with the arrival of our son and look forward to many great moments with him, and seeing him and Michaela grow up together. Michaela is so excited to be a big sister! I couldn't have been happier with how my pregnancy and labor went. Six hour labor with no pain medications, in the water, and being able to feel him being born and catch him- I couldn't ask for more. We love you, Marcus.

(Photographs below by Seana Berglund, Babymoon Birth Services)

Photo below by Keith

Saturday, October 8, 2011

The Birth of Michaela

The Birth of Michaela

The afternoon of October 3rd, 2011 I began having mild contractions. I had been debating on whether Michaela was going to come early, on time, or late. My midwife, Paula, and a friend, Nikki, predicted she’d be arriving that week, probably earlier in the week. Keith had even guessed the 5th! I began timing the contractions to see if there was any consistency and they were coming for 30-60 seconds every 15-23 minutes. They continued that way until I went to bed and was able to sleep through them.

4:30 AM October 4th I woke up to a pretty intense contraction. I had another one and felt I should time them to see if there is a pattern. They were coming every 8 minutes and lasting 60-90 seconds. Then they were coming every 6 minutes and were increasing in intensity. I got up, had some water to see if it that would help but they continued. I called my midwife and explained what I was feeling and she said to try to sleep and call her back if they get more intense or closer together. I tried to go back to sleep but couldn’t.

Keith’s alarm went off and he got ready for school. We debated on whether he should stay or go to school and try to save a sub day (since he could come home early that morning anyways). He left for school and I kept timing contractions. I couldn’t lie down anymore. I walked around, laid in bed, knelt on the floor over my birthing ball and rocked, put it on the bed and rocked, leaned over the bed and rocked. The contractions were pretty intense. I could push through them but at the peak… they were pretty intense. They then were coming every 2-3 minutes lasting 60-90 seconds and I called my midwife. She came over at 9am. (By this time I was lying in the bathroom tub, which helped a little bit.) I got out and she checked me.  I was 100% effaced (yay!) and 4cm dilated. I was a little down I wasn’t dilated more but excited I was 100% effaced. She suggested I call Keith and tell him to come home. She went out to get a few things and would come back. I called Keith and told him to come home.

Keith came home and found me lying on our bed going through a contraction. During the contraction, I was also having some back pains so Keith would push against my back to counter the pressure which helped a lot. Paula and the Doula, Caitlin, came and began setting up the tub, supplies. Etc. They began filling up the tub but when it was about 6 inches full, the hot water ran out. Keith went to turn up the water heater and while we waited for it to heat up to keep filling the tub, I went through more contractions. Lying on the bed wasn’t comfortable dealing with them but I did not want to move. I kept asking if I could get in the tub but it wasn’t ready yet. I was getting worried I wouldn’t be able to birth in the tub! Two contractions before I got into the tub I was beginning to get the urge to push but held it in.

11:00 came and the tub was ready! I began getting out of bed and a contraction immediately began and I practically ran to the tub and got in. The second I was in the water the relief was instant!!! I could still feel the contractions but the intensity was definitely less and it was so relieving, and warm! They kept filling the tub and even brought in some boiling pots of water to fill it with. It felt so good!

Around noon, the photographer, Kathleen, came. I continued to labor in the water. When I was in the water it seemed that the contractions were further apart and the breaks were nice. Despite the pain, it was absolutely amazing feeling Michaela come down the birth canal. Sitting against the tub was hurting my back s I got on all fours and birthed that way facing the side of the tub, and between contractions I’d rest my head and arms on the side of the tub. Water does amazing things! About 6 times I felt Michaela’s head coming down the canal. More and more each time but with each one, she’d go back up a little bit which was a little disappointing but with each one I knew she was getting further and further. It was so surreal thinking she’d be in my arms soon. There was a lot of burning pain and at times I wondered if I could do it (but knew I could). The entire time, it never crossed my mind to go to the hospital or ask for pain medication. Feeling the birth process was entirely worth it to me!

 Towards the last few contractions, Paula began telling me about how Michaela would have to go through the pelvic bones and to take it slow and gently. I would get the contraction, the urge to push, and I’d give a little extra pushing to help Michaela out but was doing it very gradually, controlled, and gently. Each contraction, the Doula’s, Caitlin and Heather would check Michaela’s heartbeat- which was strong the entire time! What a trooper! Paula told me to reach down and feel Michaela’s head and where she was. It was pretty cool feeling her soft/wrinkly head.

Finally, the second to last push Michaela’s head came out! When it came out I felt her rotate around (very cool feeling). I knew we were almost there and I was about to meet our baby girl! Paula reached down to check if there was a cord around her neck, and there was. She tried to take it off but it wouldn’t so they would at the next contraction. With the next push at 12:40 pm October 4th she came out- I pulled her up and onto my chest (while Paula took the cord off from around her neck) I leaned back against the tub while she was covered with some towels. Keith cut the cord after it was done pulsing. We were both in heaven looking at our baby girl and finally meeting her.

Keith took her and I went into the bed to birth the placenta and get checked out. With a few pushes the placenta came out. Paula checked me and there were no tears and no hemorrhaging!  We got cleaned up and were given some private family time while Paula, Caitlin, and Heather cleaned up and put the tub away. Later on Paula came in and did Michaela’s newborn checks. She was 20 inches long, 6 pounds 15 ounces, 14 inch head, good vitals, and no jaundice. She’s such a strong little girl! After the checks, it was on to breastfeeding. She got a good latch and ate right away.

We couldn’t be happier with the arrival of our daughter and look forward to many great moments with her. I couldn’t have been happier with how my pregnancy and labor went. 9 hour labor with no pain medications, in the water, and being able to feel her being born- I couldn’t ask for more. We love you, Michaela.